
A Morning in Time: Memories and Milking

Last weekend I drove down to Hynam and spent a couple of days with my brother and sister-in-law at Langkyne, the property I grew up on. Just three-and-a-half hours south of Adelaide, it's always nostalgic going back and I am thankful that I am still able to revisit my childhood home, which is full of happy memories. At first light on Sunday morning I crept out of the house, pulled on my rubber boots and went for a long walk around the vineyards and across the paddocks, as I always do when I visit. There is something incredibly special about being under ...


On Jubilee George

As a child, I found such unexpected pleasure in the rambling vegetable patch that burgeoned just outside the kitchen door, pulling carrots for dinner and watching the Queensland Blue pumpkins swell. The veggie patch, however, was often the bane of my mother’s life, and I can still see her flying through the kitchen door violently flapping her tea-towel and calling out ‘you brute’.George was the culprit, our pet sheep.An animal of formidable character and cunning, George was no ordinary sheep. One day, the rams followed him into the garden and started to chase him. He quickly led them towards the ...